Why We Sabotage Endings
On this week’s podcast, Dan continues a series on endings by discussing the role of sabotage—the moment when celebration gives way to indulgence and we...
On this week’s podcast, Dan begins a new series about endings—how we handle them, avoid them, sabotage them, grieve them, and celebrate them. This is...
Owning Our Work
On this week’s podcast, Dan concludes a series about trauma care in the church through the lens of Galatians 6. A few weeks back, Dan...
Carrying Trauma, Part Two
Dan is in the middle of a series looking at what we can learn about trauma care from the opening verses of Galatians 6. Two...
Carrying Trauma, Part One
On last week’s podcast, Dan looked at Galatians 6 and discussed how we can help restore those who are suffering from the effects of their...
Trauma Care in Galatians 6
On this week’s podcast, Dan begins a new series, based on Galatians 6, about trauma care and the effect that it has on you, the...
ListenShame and the Cross—Dan Allender at Mars Hill
“We as individuals and a culture have learned that shame is too dangerous to get near. It evokes too much when we hear someone even...
Vicarious Trauma and the Church
This week’s podcast marks the conclusion of a series on trauma care in the local church. In Part One, Dan discussed the crucial idea that...