Play, Part Three: The Border of Adventure
As we enter the home stretch of summer, Dan continues our series on play by reflecting on the anticipation and preparation that are required for...
Play, Part Two
“The kind of play we’re talking about isn’t just play in a game, it’s not fundamentally a way of distracting yourself from life. It actually...
Play, Part One
“There is no better time than summer to consider the importance of play.” On this week’s podcast, Dan begins a two-week series discussing the nature...
Play, Story, and Motorcycles: A Conversation with John Eldredge
On this week’s podcast, Dan sits down for a conversation with his long-time friend, John Eldredge, a prolific author—including The Sacred Romance, The Journey of...
High School Reunion, Part Two
Last month, Dan shared some reflections about his upcoming 45th high school reunion, wrestling with the ambivalence that so many of us feel about potentially...
An Interview with John Cunningham, Part Two
On this week’s podcast, Dan continues a conversation with Dr. John Cunningham, a pastor and theologian who recently completed his doctoral dissertation on aesthetics and...
An Interview with John Cunningham, Part One
On this week’s podcast, Dan sits down for a conversation with his friend Dr. John Cunningham, a pastor, theologian, and husband of Susan Cunningham, who...
High School Reunion
We are thrilled to be celebrating the graduation of 78 students at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology’s annual Commencement ceremony this weekend. It’s...