Tune Those Strings: A Reflection on Attachment
I’m all up in the business of attachment these days. I observe the attachment styles of friends and family members. I consider my attachment dynamics...
ReadAttachment and Relationships, Part Two
In this episode of The Allender Center podcast, Rachael and Dan continue a series about attachment; how our earliest relationships impact who we come to...
ListenAttachment and Relationships, Part One
Rachael Clinton Chen and Dr. Dan Allender have a conversation about our individual styles of relating and how they can be, as Dan describes, a...
ListenWhat Women Wish Women Knew about Women’s Sexuality
Rachael Clinton Chen leads an open and honest conversation with Cathy Loerzel and Christy Bauman about what they wish other women knew about women’s sexuality....
ListenWhat Women Wish Men Knew about Women’s Sexuality
Dr. Dan Allender and Rachael Clinton Chen are joined by guests Cathy Loerzel, Executive VP of The Allender Center and Christy Bauman, author of Theology...
ListenImplications of the Incarnation: Becoming the Word Flesh
To close this series on the Incarnation, Dan invites listeners to consider how our own giving of gifts around Christmastime is reflected in the creativity...
ListenImplications of the Incarnation: Flesh, the Word Became
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full...
ListenImplications of the Incarnation: The Word Made Flesh
During the season of Advent, Dan begins a series about the Incarnation—what it means for Jesus to be the Word made flesh. Taking a step...