
Listener Feedback: Spiritual Abuse
This week, Dan Allender and Rachael Clinton respond to feedback about our recent series on spiritual abuse. This is a crucial conversation, and it's clear that it has struck a chord with many listeners.
Spiritual Abuse, Part Three
This week, Dan Allender and Rachael Clinton conclude their conversation on spiritual abuse by talking about the long, painful journey toward healing.
Spiritual Abuse, Part Two
This week, Dan Allender and Rachael Clinton enter the particularity of story as they continue their conversation on the dynamics and fallout of spiritual abuse.
Spiritual Abuse, Part One
This week, Dan Allender is joined by Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program Development and Admissions, to begin a three-part conversation on the dynamics and fallout of spiritual abuse.
Why Race?
Updated July 2020. A few years ago, Dan Allender began to more deeply reflect on the ways in which he has overlooked racial trauma in his...
A Path Through the Waters: A Message Shared with Ecclesia in Houston
Dr. Dan Allender and a team from The Allender Center at The Seattle School spent last weekend partnering with Ecclesia church in Houston. They spent...
What if we lived through our bellies rather than our brains? What if our bodies, in their fullness, were no longer burdens but blessings, holding...
Opening My Eyes
All transformation requires disruption. And it seems to me that no one changes because it’s a good idea. We change, if much at all, because someone...