
There is hope for you and others who have suffered sexual abuse. No one is immune to the impact of sexual abuse. We acknowledge the pervasiveness...
2019 Theology & Trauma Conference: Rachael Clinton
Earlier this summer, Rachael Clinton, Director of Organizational Development at The Allender Center, traveled to St. Andrews to participate as a plenary speaker in the...
Design of Desire
The Design of Desire conference invites us to envision and cultivate healthier connections, a more holistic view of sexuality, and a deeper understanding of how...
Empowering Lay Counselors
Long before seeking therapy, most people share their stories of trauma and abuse with friends, bartenders, barbers, and the people they see day to day....
Bringing To Be Told to your church community
Dr. Dan Allender engages pastors, ministry leaders, and parishioners with the power of story and the possibility of lasting change. Learn more about the To...
Wendell Moss on the Unique Honor of Story Work with Dr. Dan Allender
Wendell Moss is a mental health therapist who offers parts of his story in The Allender Center’s Healing the Wounded Heart online course. Here, Wendell...
Scott Gibson on Catching God in the Midst of Trauma
Scott Gibson is a mental health therapist in Chicago who offers parts of his story in The Allender Center’s Healing the Wounded Heart online course....
Training Small Group Leaders
Dr. Dan Allender talks about his tremendous appreciation for people who serve the Church by leading small groups. What is harmed in relationship can best...