Attachment Stories in Marriage
Attachment is an emotional bond we feel with another person who responds to our needs. This begins as an infant as we attach (or fail...
ListenFamily of Origin
So much of our beauty and brokenness — so much of what makes us who we are today — is tied to our family of...
ListenParenting the Parent
Annie Allender Robbins and Amanda Christian join their dad, Dan Allender, for a personal and profound dialogue about how they were raised, how that shaped...
ListenUnresolvable Conflict
According to the research of the Gottman Institute, nearly 70% of relationship conflicts are unresolvable* – meaning, there is no clear right or wrong resolution....
ListenAct Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
Wendell Moss, lead instructor and facilitator at the Allender Center, joins Dan Allender on the podcast this week to discuss the crucial passage of Micah...
ListenIntentions for the New Year
Welcome to a new year of the Allender Center Podcast! This week, Dan and Becky Allender reconvene to look forward with anticipation and expectation. Dan...
ListenMeditation on the Year
Happy New Year! As we close out 2022, Dan and Becky Allender sit down to reflect on the things they learned this year and what...
ListenThe Disruption of the Incarnation
The message of Christmas is one that disrupts the norm and turns systems of power upside down. When we examine Mary’s Magnificat in Luke 1:46b-55,...