Training Pastors to Care for the Stories of Others
The hardest work in the world is being a pastor, one who encounters the trauma and deep pain of others day in and day out....
The Mission of the Allender Center
Dr. Dan Allender talks about the mission of The Allender Center, which trains people to engage their stories of trauma and abuse in the context...
Changing Realities of Sexual Abuse
Dr. Dan Allender reflects on his books The Wounded Heart and Healing the Wounded Heart and what has changed—and not changed—in the 25 years between...
Therapy for the Therapist
Dr. Dan Allender talks about why The Seattle School is one of the few counseling programs that requires students to engage their own stories of...
Spiritual Warfare, Part Two
This week on the Allender Center Podcast, Dr. Dan Allender is joined once again by his friend and colleague Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program...
The Work of My Life: A Story Workshop Experience
The Allender Center’s core belief is that we are best known—and our stories best seen—in the company of others. One of our signature expressions of...
Spiritual Warfare, Part One
This week on the Allender Center Podcast, Dr. Dan Allender is joined by his friend and colleague Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program Development &...
The Importance of Lifelong Learning for Therapists & Counselors
For a professional therapist to take further training is ethical — we need to be ongoing learners. Many programs have begun to address trauma and...