My Testimony Is Better Than Yours
We Christians love a good story. We know that stories are powerful, and sometimes we get caught up in the craving for that power. I’ve...
The Courage of Kindness
Andrew J. Bauman writes about the deep courage to believe shame and contempt do not lead to healing. It is the kindness of God that leads to repentance.
A Brave Lament
In this excerpt from A Brave Lament, Andrew Bauman writes about learning to welcome and tend to grief after the tragic loss of his son.
The Differentiated Self: Creating Healthy Relationship
The term “differentiation” has recently come up in my own individual therapy as one of the core issues that I must address within myself. My...
Self-Contempt as Addiction
Last week, Becky Allender reflected on her sometimes messy relationship with her aging body, and about how our culture trains us to view our imperfections...
Sexual Addiction, Misogyny, and Donald Trump
Recently, Becky Allender wrote about how current events have inspired her to reach out to her younger self and reclaim a sense of bold pride...
The Good Grief
As Becky Allender recently reflected, during the holidays we are often confronted with loss and grief in a deep, profound way. Here, Andrew Bauman, a...
A Pornographic Style of Relating
Last week, we shared an article by Andrew Bauman, a licensed mental health therapist who wrote about the struggle with pornography and the invitation to...