Training Certificate Content
The Journey of Facilitating Care
Kellay Chapman reflects on her journey of training and growth as a facilitator after five years of leading Wounded Heart groups.
ReadRace and Trauma, Part Three
This week, Dan, along with friends and colleagues — Susan Kim, Abby Wong-Heffter, and Wendell Moss — conclude their conversation around race and trauma. Susan,...
ListenRace and Trauma, Part Two
This week, Dan is joined again by friends and colleagues Susan Kim, Abby Wong-Heffter, and Wendell Moss as they continue their conversation around race and...
ListenRace and Trauma, Part One
This week, Dan is joined by three friends and colleagues: Allender Center teaching staff members Wendell Moss, Susan Kim, and Abby Wong-Heffter. Together, they begin...
ListenStory Writing: Revealing What You Could Not See (Part 4 on Story)
This week, Dan and his wife, Becky Allender, conclude their series on Story. Dan introduces Becky’s new book, and she reads an excerpt from it,...
ListenWhat If I Fear My Story?
This week’s podcast continues our Story series, in which Dan is addressing some of the most common questions he hears—like “What if I don’t have...
ListenHow Do I Trust My Memory?
On this week’s podcast, Dan continues our series on Story by addressing another question he commonly receives from people interested in joining a Story Workshop:...