
Creating Safety in Relationships
In a world that can feel overwhelming and unsafe, we all long for safe havens in our relationships. But how do we create that safety?...
The Treasure of a Few Seconds
What is a lifetime? If one averages a human life to 75 years, that is 27,375 days, or 657,000 hours, or 39,420,000 seconds. Those who served...
Betrayal in Marriage
We all have experienced betrayal in our relationships. We typically think of betrayal as an affair or deception, and some of us may be quick...
Unresolvable Conflict
According to the research of the Gottman Institute, nearly 70% of relationship conflicts are unresolvable* – meaning, there is no clear right or wrong resolution....
Engaging Triggers in Marriage
We recently wrapped up the Allender Center Marriage Conference with Dan and Becky Allender and Steve and Lisa Call of The Reconnect Institute. So as...
Addressing Our Trauma Stories Within Marriage
We have all experienced some degree of trauma in our lives. If you’re married or partnered, you need to have a trauma informed partnership to...
Grief & Gratitude in Partnerships and Parenting
How do we open ourselves up to greater grief – and the potential for greater gratitude – with our spouses, partners, children and closest friends?...
Relationships between Married Couples and Single People
As the month of conversations about marriage draws to a close, Dan and Becky invite Beau Denton and Ashley Wright on the podcast to talk...