Practicing Gratitude
I have had an ambivalent relationship with practice. The word alone conjures up many feelings. First, my eleven years of piano lessons were wrought with...
ReadGrief & Gratitude in Partnerships and Parenting
How do we open ourselves up to greater grief – and the potential for greater gratitude – with our spouses, partners, children and closest friends?...
ListenGrief & Gratitude with Family of Origin
As we prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, Dan and Rachael continue their discussion on the intersection of grief and gratitude, focussing on how to...
ListenRelationship Between Grief & Gratitude
Dan and Rachael start a new series on grief and gratitude. In this episode, they outline the importance of being open to grieving in order...
ListenHolding the Tension of Grief, Gratitude, and Grace
Though we are just now emerging from the season of Thanksgiving, tomorrow marks the first Sunday in Advent. We hold much gratitude, grief, and tension...
ListenEngaging Grief and Gratitude
This season of Thanksgiving looks quite different than previous years, many of us not gathering with families and loved ones around a table. Acknowledging this...
ListenGratitude and Repentance, Part Three
To conclude a conversation about gratitude and repentance, Dan explores the nature of what we are supposed to repent of, why repentance always begins with...