Becky Allender

Practicing Gratitude
I have had an ambivalent relationship with practice. The word alone conjures up many feelings. First, my eleven years of piano lessons were wrought with...
The afternoon air is sweltering as I do a cannonball and make a volcanic splash in the diving pool. I can feel the goosebumps on...
Creating Safety in Relationships
In a world that can feel overwhelming and unsafe, we all long for safe havens in our relationships. But how do we create that safety?...
Replay and Rest: Imagination and Hope
In the third and final episode in our “Replay and Rest” series, we’ll revisit a conversation between Dan and Becky Allender as they reflect on...
Change Is Afoot
It was a sunny winter day in the Pacific Northwest, and I had my Miele vacuum cleaner in hand. The endless days of gray...
My Prey Is Love
I know next to nothing about hunting, but I know a lot about needlepoint. Many of the hunters I know have trophies on their walls—preserved,...
Addressing Our Trauma Stories Within Marriage
We have all experienced some degree of trauma in our lives. If you’re married or partnered, you need to have a trauma informed partnership to...
Rituals & Rhythms for Intentionality
With so many things fighting for our attention, how do we intentionally create space of goodness for ourselves and others? Join us as we contemplate...