Living into the Tension of Advent: Dr. J. Derek McNeil and Kate Davis
“How shall we live into this Advent season at such a time as this?” Each year, the season of Advent invites us to lean into...
ListenHolding the Tension of Grief, Gratitude, and Grace
Though we are just now emerging from the season of Thanksgiving, tomorrow marks the first Sunday in Advent. We hold much gratitude, grief, and tension...
ListenImplications of the Incarnation: Becoming the Word Flesh
To close this series on the Incarnation, Dan invites listeners to consider how our own giving of gifts around Christmastime is reflected in the creativity...
ListenMary Christmas
I imagine her Girl with dust-smudged cheeks. Robe wrapped tight around swollen belly, Fringed dirty. Windblown. Grit in teeth. Inner thighs burning and chapped. Donkey...
ReadImplications of the Incarnation: Flesh, the Word Became
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full...
I have always loved the wise men. As a young child, it was my favorite part of the Christmas Eve pageant in our beautiful church....
ReadImplications of the Incarnation: The Word Made Flesh
During the season of Advent, Dan begins a series about the Incarnation—what it means for Jesus to be the Word made flesh. Taking a step...