Story Workshop

Your story is waiting to be told in bold, beautiful, and life-changing ways.

We are best known—and our stories are best seen—in the company of others. The Story Workshop is a profound event that invites you deeply into the themes of your life by writing and sharing a story from your childhood in a supportive and facilitated small group. You’ll experience teaching, insight, and wisdom as you seek to understand, write, tell, and live your story in deeper and more transformative ways.

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August 22-25, 2024 | Seattle, Washington

Registration is now closed; please join the Interest List to be notified when our next Story Workshop is announced!


Workshop Experience

During this 3.5-day weekend, you will experience:

  • Live, interactive teaching from Dr. Dan Allender, Wendell Moss, and other core Allender Center teachers (9 hours).
  • Small group sessions led by an Allender Center facilitator  (10 hours).
  • A schedule that incorporates rest and sustainability, including self-care practices to utilize throughout the workshop and beyond.
  • A pre-workshop Story Writing Exercise and a companion Video Guide to support your personal reflection and writing process prior to the workshop.


  • Thursday, August 22: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM PT
  • Friday, August 23: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM PT
  • Saturday, August 24: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM PT
  • Sunday, August 24: 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM PT


The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology (“The Red Brick Building”)
2501 Elliott Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98121

This is an in-person experience, and all teaching and small groups will be held on location at the Allender Center. A virtual option is not available for this Story Workshop.


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Preparing for the Workshop

Write and submit a childhood story.

Prior to attending, you will be asked to write about an aspect of your own childhood (ages 4-18). Sharing these stories in a safe, kind space held by a facilitator is part of what takes this work from the head to the heart.

Cost & Registration

The total cost of this in-person workshop is $1,495. This fee completely covers the costs of this 3 and ½-day intensive workshop.

Registration is open through July 1, 2024, or until all spots are filled.

Scholarships & Payment Plans 

We believe in the importance of this work and do our best to make this offering accessible. If the cost of the workshop is a barrier, we encourage you to invite your community to consider sponsoring you. 

We are also grateful to be able to offer a limited number of partial scholarships at a sliding scale. We offer two different scholarship amounts for Story Workshop: $100 and $200. 

Scholarships are reserved for participants who demonstrate financial hardship and/or those who are from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. If you are a person of color, you are welcome to request a scholarship at any amount. If you are not a person of color, please follow the guidelines below to determine if you qualify for a scholarship. 

Scholarships are available until all scholarship funds are used. 

To determine which scholarship amount is right for you, please refer to this Green Bottle Sliding Scale graphic designed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk.

Sliding Scale Scholarships Qualifications

Full Bottle  Half Bottle Quarter Bottle
Scholarship Amount: $0 $100 $200
Promotional Code at Checkout: none scholarship100sw scholarship200sw

If you fall into the “full bottle” category on the scale, we ask that you not request a scholarship for this program. If you fall into the “half-full bottle” category on the scale, please request the $100 scholarship amount. If you fall into the “quarter-full bottle” category on this scale, please request the $200 scholarship amount. 

If paying in one installment prohibits your participation, please email and we can give you more information to set up a payment plan.

We are able to offer these scholarships due to the generosity of our donor community. If you have been impacted by the work of The Allender Center, we would be honored to receive your gift. Visit our Giving page to learn more.


Still wondering if the Story Workshop is for you? Read more about what our participants had to say:

“Life Changing! This workshop took me to places emotionally and spiritually that [other conferences I’ve attended] never even approached. I have a renewed desire to follow the dreams I have had since childhood but had shut down over years of lies.” — Story Workshop participant

“[The small group time] was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had, and this is saying a lot because I have experienced many different small groups! I was blown away by my facilitator as well, especially how emotionally engaged she was with every person’s story in the group.” — Story Workshop participant

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