Untangling Our Stories
Kellay Chapman writes about a particular story that is part of her life’s tapestry, and about the gift of untangling that story with curiosity rather than contempt.
ReadTuning in to the Unseen
Trapper Lukaart reflects on how intimately the unseen spiritual realm is woven into our day-to-day life, and on our choice between engaging it or writing it off.
ReadSix Signs of Codependency
Abby Wong-Heffter writes that sacrificial love can devolve into a destructive form of codependency when we don’t allow space for our own needs and desires.
ReadWhen I’m Sixty-Four
Becky Allender reflects on aging and re-learning what it means to step into the fullness of the beauty God created for her.
ReadThe Debris of #MeToo
Laurie Proctor, a facilitator with The Allender Center, writes about how the #MeToo movement has stirred up her own memories of sexual abuse, reminding her that even as she empowers others, the work of telling her story is not over yet.
ReadThe Cost of Belonging
Becky Allender reflects on an early experience with the human tendency toward division and separation, and on how that dynamic of belonging is still playing out in her life today.
ReadSurrender to the Now
Becky Allender writes about those times when life feels like a neverending series of tasks, wondering what it would require to pause here, now, and remain grounded in the present moment.
ReadThe Art of Blessing
Mandy Hughes, a fellow with The Allender Center, writes about the art of blessing and how it might foster light and life in the year ahead.