Intriguing Scriptures, Part Two: Dr. Angela Parker
Dan talks with Dr. Angela Parker, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at The Seattle School, about 1 Corinthians 4:8-13.
ListenIntriguing Scriptures, Part One: Dr. Chelle Stearns
Dan talks with Chelle Stearns, Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School, about Philippians 2 and following Christ by becoming more fully human.
ListenParenting Adult Children, Part Two
Dan and Becky Allender discuss relating to adult children, especially when the relationship is so broken that it seems beyond repair.
ListenParenting Adult Children, Part One
Dan and Becky Allender begin a conversation about parenting adult children—a category full of complexity, pain, and a stunning potential for redemption.
ListenAn Epidemic of Loneliness, Part Three
Dan and Becky Allender conclude our series on loneliness by remembering the journey away from the shame of disconnection begins with an act of confession.
ListenAn Epidemic of Loneliness, Part Two
Dan and Becky Allender continue our series on loneliness by looking at the particular ways it shows up in marriage and other intimate relationships.
ListenAn Epidemic of Loneliness, Part One
Dan and Becky Allender kick off a three-part series on loneliness. They begin by wrestling with some of the different ways loneliness shows up in our lives.
ListenSpiritual Formation with Nancy Kane, Part Two
Dan Allender continues his conversation with professor Nancy Kane about spiritual formation that goes beyond intellectual arguments or religious routines.