The Heart and Desire: Webinar with Jay Stringer, LMHC

May 31, 2024





Friday, May 31, 2024, 10 AM – Noon PT

Desire is responsible for our greatest joys and yet it also opens the door to heartache and feelings of dread. In response to our personal and systemic challenges, we develop strategies, including indulging desire, annulling it, or attempting to manage it. Yet desire —including sexual desire— is a gift that God has wired into the design of our humanity. We are meant to desire and to feel the intensity of loss and of joy.

Join authors and psychotherapists Dr. Dan Allender and Jay Stringer, LMHC, for this live, two-hour webinar. You’ll learn how the war of desire develops, what sustains it, and how to live well amid all the beauty, heartache and redemption it will bring.

This is a live, interactive experience, and time will be given for a Q&A session with the presenters.

Save $19 when you bundle this session with the May 23 webinar, “The Brain and Hope,” featuring Dr. Dan Allender and Curt Thompson, MD. Get both webinars for $99 here >