
Trauma and Desire: The Spectrum of Trauma, Part Two
This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dr. Dan Allender continues our series on the Spectrum of Trauma by wrestling with trauma and desire, engaging...
The Spectrum of Trauma, Part One
This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dr. Dan Allender is launching a new series on the Spectrum of Trauma, engaging how the existence of...
Post Traumatic Single Disorder
As we pursue the deep work of cultivating restoration in our own stories and the stories of others, one thing becomes clear: trauma takes many...
Training Wounded Healers, Part Three
This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dan continues the “Training Wounded Healers” series all about our signature Training Certificate, a year-long program that guides...
Training Certificate Reflection: My Body a Shelter
Updated June 2020 A few years ago, we recorded “Training Wounded Healers,” a series on The Allender Center Podcast in which Dan Allender explored the...
Excerpt from Healing the Wounded Heart
This month we’re celebrating the release of Dr. Dan Allender’s new book, Healing the Wounded Heart, a 25-year retrospective of everything Dan has learned about...
Training Wounded Healers, Part One
This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dan launches a new series exploring the heart and vision behind our unique Training Certificate, a year-long program that...
Healing the Wounded Heart, Part Three
This week, Dan Allender continues reflecting on his upcoming book, Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation. In...