
Goodbye Old Friend
In the chaos and urgency of tragedy, it is difficult to slow down and allow ourselves to grieve. As our adult self makes decisions and...
An Interview with Susan Cunningham
On this week’s podcast, Dan sits down for a conversation with Susan Cunningham, a therapist, poet, and facilitator with The Allender Center. Dan and Susan...
The Pilgrimage of Grief
“The wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God” —Rumi, 13th Century Poet/Mystic Do you ever feel like you are walking through life with...
More Story Questions
On this week’s podcast, the conclusion of our Story series, Dan engages four remaining questions that he often hears from people interested in working with...
How Do I Trust My Memory?
On this week’s podcast, Dan continues our series on Story by addressing another question he commonly receives from people interested in joining a Story Workshop:...
When Endings Don’t Go Well
In the first part of this series on endings, Dan introduced the idea that every ending is a mini-death, and, as such, we often treat...
Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, and Unsanitized Grief
How do we mourn with those who mourn? Here, Susan Kim, a member of The Allender Center Teaching Staff, reflects on violence, race, and the...
ReadThe Parallax Tragedy: Part Two
In case you missed it, be sure to read Part 1 of this post here. In it, Alex Houseknecht reflects on how he found himself...