Intriguing Scriptures, Part Four: Dr. Craig Detweiler
Dan talks with Craig Detweiler, President of The Seattle School, about the transfiguration in Luke 9, and about how we respond to moments of divine beauty.
ListenCathy Loerzel Named Executive Vice President of The Allender Center
The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology has named Cathy Loerzel Executive Vice President of The Allender Center, effective July 2018.
ReadIntriguing Scriptures, Part Three: Dr. Derek McNeil
Dan talks with Dr. Derek McNeil about Luke 22:24-34 and how ongoing growth requires that we face our capacity for betrayal and the ways we've been betrayed.
ListenThe Beauty of Attachment with a Dog
Scott Gibson writes about finding the beautiful gift of discovering attachment in the playful love between a boy and a dog.
ReadIntriguing Scriptures, Part Two: Dr. Angela Parker
Dan talks with Dr. Angela Parker, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at The Seattle School, about 1 Corinthians 4:8-13.
ListenTime to Dare
Becky Allender writes about how her resilience ability to dare are connected to the stories of her parents and grandparents that still reside in her.
ReadIntriguing Scriptures, Part One: Dr. Chelle Stearns
Dan talks with Chelle Stearns, Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School, about Philippians 2 and following Christ by becoming more fully human.
ListenParenting Adult Children, Part Two
Dan and Becky Allender discuss relating to adult children, especially when the relationship is so broken that it seems beyond repair.