Forgotten Hospitality
I went out to the place on our stone driveway where Miguel’s* heart stopped before he was revived. The indentation where he lay as Amanda...
A Tender Touch for Dirty Feet
As we observe Maundy Thursday and Jesus washing the feet of the disciples, Dr. Dan Allender recalls his own experience of feet-washing and what it revealed to him about the holiness of tender touch that is too much to bear.
Subverting Empire
Throughout the month of November, we invited you to join us as we engaged in a conversation regarding race and trauma. We knew that in...
Why Race?
Updated July 2020. A few years ago, Dan Allender began to more deeply reflect on the ways in which he has overlooked racial trauma in his...
#MeToo is a social media movement that cuts a small but significant hole in the dark façade of silence. Most social media protests fade like...
The Hidden Hope in Lament
This month on The Allender Center Podcast, we’re featuring a conversation between Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Keith Anderson, President of The Seattle School, about...