Becky Allender, MA
Founder, Instructor
Becky Allender graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Elementary Education in 1974. She taught Kindergarten before raising three children. To help her husband with the birthing of a graduate school, she earned her masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Colorado Christian University and was a sociology instructor at The Colorado Institute of Art. Becky has a heart for the sexually exploited and volunteered on the streets of Seattle in 2008 and 2009 with Late Night Outreach.
Becky is a writer and the author of Hidden in Plain Sight: One Woman’s Search for Identity, Intimacy, and Calling. She has also been a regular contributor to Red Tent Living since 2013.
Becky helped co-found The Allender Center at The Seattle School where she directs intercession for the Training Certificate program, leads groups for Story Workshops and Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level I, and co-leads marriage retreats with her husband. She loves being a wife, mother, and grandmother and is grateful for the many students of Dan’s whom she has gotten to know over the years.