Rebekah Vickery, LMHC
Rebekah is a licensed mental health counselor practicing in Washington state. Her private practice focuses on healing from complex trauma and religious abuse. In addition to her work with individuals and groups, she is part of a national collective of researchers and therapists working to bring awareness and healing to those harmed by Evangelical purity culture and high-control fundamentalism.
Rebekah is also an acrylic artist working with themes of grief, transition, and hope. As a
therapist, artist, and group facilitator, she is drawn to the spaces of transition in personal and collective lives. She views her work as a facilitator to be a form of artistry that welcomes grief and honors what it means to be in the liminal space between no-longer and not-yet. She loves group work and finds that space to be a rich and connective way for participants to experience deep connection and kind witness.