Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Acceptance of Terms

The services that The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology provides to users of its websites (SITE) are subject to the following TERMS OF USE (TOU). The Allender Center at The Seattle School reserves the right to update the TOU at any time without notice to the users. You are solely responsible for your use of the SITE and for ensuring that your use complies fully with the provisions of the TOU.

Service Limitations

The Allender Center at The Seattle School reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, limit, or discontinue any aspect, content, or feature of the SITE, as well as any aspect pertaining to the use of the SITE. If you do not agree to the provisions of this TOU or at any time are not satisfied with this SITE, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of this site immediately.

Email Policy

Email communications from The Allender Center at The Seattle School are a permission-based system. We will only send email to recipients who have voluntarily joined these services. If you have received unwanted or unsolicited email sent via this SITE, please report abuse to communications@theseattleschool.edu. The transmission of unsolicited commercial email is expressly forbidden to and through this SITE. All SITE transmitted information is only intended for the original users of these services.

Privacy Policy

The Allender Center at The Seattle School records personally-identifiable and non-personally-identifiable information obtained via the SITE. We do not sell, share, or rent this information to anyone or any entity, and access to this information is explicitly restricted to employees of The Seattle School who have a specific, job-related need for this same information. In addition, this SITE is protected to help prevent unauthorized access by all others. Further, The Allender Center at The Seattle School reserves the right at all times to disclose any material or information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation, or US federal order. The Allender Center at The Seattle School reserves the right to collect, use, and distribute demographic data about you, the user, and your use of the SITE in forms that do not identify you individually or reveal your personal identity.

Collection and Use of Your Information

The Allender Center at The Seattle School’s web sites log IP addresses for system administration purposes. These logs may be analyzed to improve the value of the content available and navigational features on these sites.

The Allender Center at The Seattle School’s web sites may log IP addresses and browser types. You can browse The Allender Center at The Seattle School’s web sites without entering any personal information and therefore remain anonymous during your visit.

The Allender Center at The Seattle School uses small files called “cookies” to store and track what you look at when you browse the pages of our web site. These cookies do not collect personal information, only statistical data that may be analyzed to improve our web sites. If you are concerned about “cookies”, you can set your browser to review, accept or reject cookies.


Posting to the SITE by any authorized user/author reflects their own thoughts and opinions and do not represent the official positions or policies of The Allender Center at The Seattle School. Therefore, authors assume responsibility and liability for the content they have been authorized to add to the SITE.

Contact Information

For information or issues related to this SITE, send email to web@theseattleschool.edu or communications@theseattleschool.edu. For generic contact information about The Allender Center at The Seattle School, send an email to support@theallendercenter.org. If you need a talk to someone at The Seattle School you may call (206) 876-6100, during normal office hours 8:00am – 5:00pm Pacific Time.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2024 The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, 2501 Elliott Ave, Seattle Washington, 98121 (communications@theseattleschool.edu).

  • The SITE content is only to be used for informational and non-commercial purposes.
  • No SITE graphics or text may be modified in any way.
  • The logo of The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology and its entities may not be used in any form without permission.
  • Any request for permission to print images or text, or use them electronically must be sent to the Marketing & Communications Department at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology.

To view the full Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer for the NFTC Directory, please click here.