Renaming Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care

The Allender Center has recently changed the names of our Training Certificate Level I and Level II programs. These programs are now named Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level I and Level II. The change took effect in September as we welcomed our 2019 cohort of Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level I participants.
To further define this name change, “trauma care” holds the wide range of people who pursue our training and connects our theory to the larger realm of trauma and abuse work, and “narrative focused” differentiates our approach to trauma care by leading with our emphasis on story.
We believe redemption is possible, even in the face of pain, abuse, and trauma. The Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level I helps develop a person’s capacity to offer deep listening and healing and takes place over the course of four intensive weekends. Participants in the certificate work through their own stories to find healing and redemption in order to foster healing in others.
The Certificate in Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level II helps participants deepen their skills. With a focus on recognizing issues of shame, contempt, and ambivalence as they are seen through story, these cohorts cultivate and expand on their own, unique style of story work.
We are excited about this shift because it more clearly articulates the focus of our trainings and the approach we hope our participants will be able to bring to the work they do in the world.
The Allender Center exists to awaken people from the pervasiveness of relational trauma. Our dream is that one day, every person in the world will have the opportunity to experience freedom from the bondage of trauma and abuse into flourishing relationships with God, self, and their communities.