Join the Work of Multiplying Transformation

This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dan Allender invites listeners to consider partnering with The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology and The Allender Center in the ongoing work of transformation. July 1 marks the end of the fiscal year, so we are in the final push for raising the funds needed to continue this work.
“The task of asking for money is really the invitation to gratitude, to understand that in giving the gift, you are actually coming to a point of completion of another gift that was given to you.”
Dan looks at the Biblical book of Philemon and Lewis Hyde’s book The Gift, reflecting on how the realm of giving is marked by gratitude and generosity rather than obligation. When we receive meaningful gifts with gratitude and intentionality, we are inevitably transformed in some way. It is out of the beautiful nature of generosity, says Dan, that we then turn to give to others out of what we have been given.
“The gift is not a possession, the gift is a transformation. […] And when you finally become what that gift calls you to, then you’re meant to give it away, because you’re inviting others to the experience of gratitude.”
As an institution committed to the work of transformation, we hope that your engagement with our offerings has fostered new growth and restoration in your life, whether through a conference, workshop, graduate program, training, blog, or even this podcast. And in everything we do, the hope is always for that to be only the first step; transformation and restoration continue as you take what you have received and offer it to others in your life, and as you give back in a way that allows us to continue fostering transformation in as many lives and communities as possible.
“You can hear the notion of gestation: you’ve allowed our seed to come within you and begin to create fruit. And as that fruit comes to a point of a proper completion, when it has brought you some maturity, then you’re meant to birth it. You’re meant to give it away, you’re meant to allow it to come back into the world on behalf of someone.”
We would be honored if you would consider partnering with us (or renewing your partnership) this week. Our work is far less meaningful without your unique contribution. Find out more about how you can join us here.