To Be Told Preview, Part Two

On this week’s podcast, we are continuing our preview of the material explored in our To Be Told conferences. Dan discusses the necessity of looking at the wounds in our lives—the places in which we have experienced shame, loneliness, and betrayal. Evil entices us and hardens our hearts, naming us as orphans, strangers, and widows. But we are called to so much more.

The stories of your life have shaped you and marked you. They are where God wants to bring light.

“Where have I trusted that which is not God in the midst of my own heart’s deepest wounds? That is where God will speak in a way in which he will invite you to rest and to repentance, to quiet and to trust.”

If you like what you hear and are interested in learning more, we invite you to join us in exploring how to read, write, and live the story that you were created to tell. Click through to learn more about upcoming To Be Told conferences, Story Workshops, and Story Groups.